
Here are some of my favorite projects! Most of these projects cannot be shared due to data sharing agreements, so I am unable to link to any specifc work. However, if you want to learn more, please contact me!

   Popular Sentiment of U.S. Electric Vehicle Drivers - An analysis of the current state of electric vehicle charging infrastructure through analysis of user reviews of the charging stations. We presented our findings in poster sessions at the MIT IEEE Undergraduate Technology Research Conference (October 2018) and Transportation Research Board's Annual Meeting (January 2019). This project was completed during the 2018 Civic Data Science REU at Georgia Tech with Professor Omar Isaac Asensio in the School of Public Policy.
   Using Network Analysis to Understand Legislative Behavior - Final project for SDS 390 (Social Network Analysis). We used the cosponsorships of bills in the Senate during the 115th Congress (2017-2018) to model partisanship and cosponsorship patterns based on demographic factors of the senators. My group presented this work at the ASA's Women in Statistics and Data Science Conference (October 2019). I continued to work on this project as an independent study in the Government department for subsequent semesters.
   nwslR - NwslR is the first R package that covers data related to the National Women's Soccer League (NWSL). Compiles datasets from various sources as well as provides basic analysis functions.
   Predicting Player Fatigue in Professional Athletes (Five College ASA Datafest 2019) - Competed in a weekend-long data analysis competition with a team of fellow Smith undergraduates against other teams from the Five Colleges. We used regression analysis to quantify player fatigue in professional women's rugby athletes. We were awarded Best-In-Show (first place)!